"I give a “thumbs-up” to eRO. Needless to say, eRO is a big help to save time and cost. It also helps speed up our communication with shipping lines in case of missing required documents. We can avoid unnecessary demurrage charges. Further, we are looking for an e-payment solution which minimizes our efforts of paper cheques handling."
"對於eRO,我不期然舉起手指公讚好。除節省時間和金錢外,eRO 亦幫助我們與船公司加強溝通,間接減少欠交文件和不必要的倉租。我更期望 eRO 更上一層樓,引入電子繳費系統,去解決我們仍要安排傳送支票給船公司的煩惱。"
Malcolm Lee, Import Operation Manger
Charter Link Logistics Ltd, HK
(started eRO from 5/2018)