Operating Terms & Fees of eTR XB / eXport
(effective January 1, 2024)
- Scope of Service
Functions Description eTR Desktop - Proactive alert on pending containers
- Vessel schedule enquiry and container status enquiry
- eTR system usage monitoring
- Terminal announcements
Vessel schedule enquiry - Estimated and actual arrival and departure times
Container status enquiry - Track container movement status
Receive and forward - Any recipient of an eTR will receive the eTR immediately after the XB user forwards it
Browsing - Extensive tables listing all the user's eTRs and their related data
Searching - Advance search for a list of eTRs using multiple criteria: gate-in time, booking number, container number, liner, vessel, voyage and container status
Printing * - Simultaneous multiple container processing when printing gate move records (for house bill or ocean bill collection) for multiple containers on the same web page
Validation *
(for freight forwarders)- Validation of house bill gate move record and to receive the eTR is automatic (No need to input the collection number)
Facilitates closer liaison with business partners - View others' eTRs
- Auto-forward eTR when Laden In
Inbound phone-based customer service - Priority over other users in terms of timing of handling of customer service phone calls
Printing transaction report + - Trucking companies can print transaction report of multiple eTRs being forwarded to their shipper customers for validation purpose
Higher system performance - customized and streamlined interface
- faster data processing time
+ Only applicable to trucking companies - Fees & Payment Terms of eTR XB / eXport
- Shipper & Freight Forwarders:
The service fee is HK$169 per month for every hundred end-to-end transactions. All the messages and functions related to the handling of the same export or import container is counted as one end-to-end transaction.
- Trucking Companies:
The service fee is HK$92 per month per truck. No charge for trucks with less than 3 laden containers per month.
- Payment Terms:
All containers appeared on the company's account in any particular month will be subject to the above pricing plan provided the user, at any time within that month, has used any eTR XB / eXport through OnePort.com and customer service.
- Barge Operators:
The charges are not applicable to barge operators (but they are applicable to their related trucking companies & forwarders).
- Other Charges
For other charges, please click here.
- Customer Service
- Users of the eTR XB are entitled to enjoy priority customer service (Tel : 3101-8362).
- Payment Method & Other Details
- Unless you have a special arrangement with OnePort Limited's sales department, you should follow 4.2.
- OnePort Limited will send a bill shortly after the end of each month for the eTR charges incurred in that month. OnePort Limited will send the bill via an email and/or a fax. All bills are immediately payable upon receipt.
- Other Terms:
- Membership Terms & Site Terms are all available on www.OnePort.com.
- Remarks
- OnePort Limited may make changes to the above eTR Service Terms whenever it deems necessary, without notice.
(Last updated: December 1, 2023)